

The following benchmarks are for general orientation only. Benchmark results are highly platform dependent (e.g. processor frequency); your mileage may vary.

Varying problem size

This benchmark varies the size of the computational domain and records the runtime per iteration. The computations are executed on a single computing node with 25 CPU cores and an Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU.

We run the same model code with all RoGeR backends (numpy, numpy-mpi, jax, jax-mpi, jax-gpu).


As a rule of thumb, we find that JAX improves computational time (approximately 2 times faster) and reduces energy usage. GPUs are a competitive alternative to CPUs, as long as the problem fits into GPU memory.

Varying number of MPI processes

RoGeR is run for a fixed problem size, but varying number of processes. This allows us the evaluation of the scaling with increased CPU count. The problem size corresponds to 1 billion cells.

The computational benchmark experiment is executed on the bwForCluster BinAC cluster. Each computing node contains 28 CPUs.


The results show that RoGeR scales well with increasing number of processes.