Constant model parametersΒΆ

The following list of available settings is automatically created from the file in the RoGeR main folder. They are available as attributes of the RoGeR settings object, e.g.:

>>> simulation = MyRogerSetup()
>>> settings = simulation.state.settings
>>> print(settings.pi)
RogerSettings.identifier = UNNAMED

Identifier of the current simulation

RogerSettings.nx = 1

Grid points in zonal (x) direction

RogerSettings.ny = 1

Grid points in meridional (y) direction = 1

Grid points in vertical (z) direction

RogerSettings.dx = 1

Zonal grid spacing

RogerSettings.dy = 1

Meridional grid spacing = 1

Vertical grid spacing

RogerSettings.nitt = 1

Number of total iterations

RogerSettings.nitt_forc = 1

Number of total iterations of forcing

RogerSettings.nevent_ff = 1

Number of films

RogerSettings.nittevent_ff = 1

Number of total iterations of a single film flow event

RogerSettings.nittevent_ff_p1 = 2

Number of total iterations of a single film flow event for cumulated values

RogerSettings.ages = 1

Number of water ages

RogerSettings.nages = 2

Number of water ages to calculate cumulated distributions

RogerSettings.ncrops = 1

Number of crops per year

RogerSettings.ncr = 2

Number of crop rotations

RogerSettings.dt_mom = 1.0

Time step in hours for momentum

RogerSettings.dt_ff = 0.16666666666666666

Time step in hours for film flow

RogerSettings.dt_gw = 24.0

Time step in hours for groundwater

RogerSettings.dt_tracer = 24.0

Time step for tracers, can be larger than dt

RogerSettings.runlen = 0.0

Length of simulation in seconds

RogerSettings.runlen_warmup = 0.0

Length of warmup simulation in seconds

RogerSettings.x_origin = 0

Grid origin in x-direction

RogerSettings.y_origin = 0

Grid origin in y-direction

RogerSettings.time_origin = 1900-01-01 00:00:00

time origin

RogerSettings.AB_eps = 0.1

Deviation from Adam-Bashforth weighting

RogerSettings.nsas = 8

Number of entries per grid cell containing SAS parameters

RogerSettings.nflowdirs = 8

Number of flow directions per grid cell

RogerSettings.pi = 3.141592653589793


RogerSettings.r_mp = 2.5

Macropore radius in mm

RogerSettings.l_sc = 10000

Total length of shrinkage cracks in mm/m^2

RogerSettings.sf = 3

Degree-day factor in -

RogerSettings.ta_fm = 0

freeze-melt threshold in degC

RogerSettings.rmax = 30

Retention capacity of liquid water in snow cover in %

RogerSettings.throughfall_coeff = 0.1

throughfall coeffcient in -

RogerSettings.end_event = 21600

Time after which no rainfall/snow melt occurs in seconds

RogerSettings.hpi = 5

threshold for classification of heavy rainfall event in mm/10min

RogerSettings.a_bc = 2

a parameter for Brooks-Corey

RogerSettings.b_bc = 2

b parameter for Brooks-Corey

RogerSettings.clay_min = 0.01

minimum clay content of soil

RogerSettings.clay_max = 0.71

maximum clay content of soil

RogerSettings.theta_ac_max = 0.71

maximum air capacity to calculate sand content of soil

RogerSettings.theta_rew_min = 0.02

minimum soil water content at permanent wilting point in -

RogerSettings.theta_rew_max = 0.24

maximum soil water content at permanent wilting point in -

RogerSettings.zroot_to_zsoil_max = 0.7

maximum ratio of root zone depth to soil depth in -

RogerSettings.rew_min = 2

minimum readily evaporable water in mm

RogerSettings.rew_max = 12

maximum readily evaporable water in mm

RogerSettings.z_evap_max = 150

maximum soil evaporation depth in mm

RogerSettings.kf_max = 3600

maximum hydraulic conductivity of becrock in mm/hour

RogerSettings.transp_water_stress = 0.75

fraction of fine pore storage in -

RogerSettings.ccc_decay_rate = 0.005

decay rate of crop canopy cover in -

RogerSettings.basal_crop_coeff_min = 0.15

minimum basal crop coeffcient in -

RogerSettings.ff_tc = 0.15

film flow termination criterium in -

RogerSettings.VSMOW_conc18O = 0.0020052

oxygen-18 abundancy ratios according to VSMOW in -

RogerSettings.d18O_min = -20

potentially lowest oxygen-18 value in per mille

RogerSettings.d18O_max = 0

potentially greatest oxygen-18 value in per mille

RogerSettings.VSMOW_conc2H = 0.00015576

deuterium abundancy ratios according to VSMOW in -

RogerSettings.d2H_min = -160

potentially lowest deuterium value in per mille

RogerSettings.d2H_max = 0

potentially greatest deuterium value in per mille

RogerSettings.cum_inf_for_N_input = 20

cumulated infiltration required for nitrogen input in mm

RogerSettings.coord_degree = False

either spherical (True) or cartesian (False) coordinates

RogerSettings.enable_distributed_input = False

enable distributed input

RogerSettings.enable_film_flow = False

enable film flow process

RogerSettings.enable_lateral_flow = False

enable lateral flow

RogerSettings.enable_crop_phenology = False

enable crop phenology

RogerSettings.enable_crop_rotation = False

enable crop rotation

RogerSettings.enable_crop_partitioning = False

enable crop specific solute uptake

RogerSettings.enable_crop_water_stress = False

enable crop water stress

RogerSettings.enable_offline_transport = False

enable offline transport

RogerSettings.enable_groundwater_boundary = False

enable groundwater boundary

RogerSettings.enable_groundwater = False

enable groundwater

RogerSettings.enable_bromide = False

enable bromide

RogerSettings.enable_chloride = False

enable enable_chloride

RogerSettings.enable_oxygen18 = False

enable oxygen-18

RogerSettings.enable_deuterium = False

enable deuterium

RogerSettings.enable_nitrate = False

enable nitrate

RogerSettings.enable_virtualtracer = False

enable virtual tracer

RogerSettings.enable_routing_1D = False

enable unidirectional routing

RogerSettings.enable_routing_2D = False

enable bidirectional routing

RogerSettings.enable_runon_infiltration = False

enable run-on infiltration

RogerSettings.enable_urban = False

enable urban

RogerSettings.enable_macropore_lower_boundary_condition = False

enable lower boundary condition of macropores

RogerSettings.enable_adaptive_time_stepping = False


RogerSettings.tm_structure = UNNAMED

transport model structure

RogerSettings.enable_age_statistics = False

enable calculation of age statistics

RogerSettings.warmup_done = False

True if after model warmup

RogerSettings.write_restart = False

Write HDF5 file for restart

RogerSettings.sas_solver = None

numerical solver scheme for StorAge selection

RogerSettings.sas_solver_substeps = 1

substeps to solver for StorAge selection numerically

RogerSettings.h = 1

temporal increment of numerical solver (fraction of time step)

RogerSettings.atol = 0.01

absolute tolerance of solutions

RogerSettings.rtol = 0.01

relative tolerance of solutions

RogerSettings.restart_input_filename = None

File name of restart input. If not given, no restart data will be read.

RogerSettings.restart_output_filename = {identifier}_{itt:0>4d}.restart.h5

File name of restart output. May contain Python format syntax that is substituted with roger attributes.

RogerSettings.restart_frequency = 0

Frequency (in seconds) to write restart data

RogerSettings.output_frequency = 86400

Frequency (in seconds) to write output data