Publications involving RoGeR

Peer-reviewed articles

About RoGeR

Steinbrich, A., Leistert, H., and Weiler, M. (2016). Model-based quantification of runoff generation processes at high spatial and temporal resolution, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 1423,

Using RoGeR

Schwemmle, R., Leistert, H., Steinbrich, A., and Weiler, M. (2023). RoGeR v3.0.3 - a process-based hydrologic toolbox model in Python. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint], in review,

Schwemmle, R. and Weiler, M. (2023). Consistent modelling of transport processes and travel times - coupling soil hydrologic processes with StorAge Selection functions (in review), submitted to Water Resources Research,


Schwemmle, R. and Weiler, M. (2023). Consistent modelling of transport processes and travel times - coupling soil hydrologic processes with StorAge Selection functions, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (talk)


Karuna Jutglar. (2021). Der Einfluss von Ackerfruechten und Fruchtfolgen auf Wasserhaushalt, Grundwasserneubildung und Abfluss - Weiterentwicklung des Landnutzungstyps Ackerland in RoGeR, Evaluierung mit waegbaren und landwirtschaftlichen Lysimetern und Modellanwendung mit Klima und Boden aus Baden-Wuerttemberg, MSc project, 99p. Link to PDF.

Max Gregoire. (2022). Implementation of the stokes flow in the hydrological model RoGeR, MSc project, 70p. Link to PDF.